Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I admit, I'm addicted to cooking blogs. Its a good thing that you don't actually gain any weight while reading about the delicious foods [although I'm not above admitting that I have snacked like a starving girl after several hours of browsing internet foods].

I also love to cook. Some people tell me I'm good at it. And not just my mom, but people who don't even have to be nice to me.

Sooo, why not jump on the bandwagon! Cooking blog, check.

But I honestly think that I bring something to the table that not a lot of other cooking/food blogs offer [I'm tickled by my pun, by the way]...

I'm a college girl. To be specific, a first-semester grad student living on scholarships. I would love to make a million things that I see other women making on TV or the internet, but I just don't have the money to buy an ingredient that doesn't go in Ramen or chicken nuggets. Which are the staples of a college kid's diet, for those of you who do not remember.
No, I'm kidding. But I do have both of those in my kitchen right now. Hm.

But still. I honestly do have to cook cheap.

I don't have a family to inspire me to prepare a balanced meal for nutritional purposes -- I have a boyfriend who hates veggies, and loves teriyaki sauce.
I usually don't have the proper equipment or all the ingredients -- I have a cell phone that I frequently use to call my mom and ask her how in the world I can still pull it all off.
I won't be using fancy cameras to document my journey -- I'll use my regular digital camera and sometimes my phone.

I hope you're still interested. Because I'm still excited.

Feel free to come along on my cooking experiences. I will test any and all recipes that I put on here, and many of them have also been adapted from their original version to suit my purposes/lifestyle. Hopefully you'll get some good food out of the deal.

Happy cooking :)

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